Available Today!   Bad Predictions

What is Bad Predictions?  A new book by Laura Lee which collects some of  the worst  predictions from some of history's greatest minds.

Such gems as IBM chairman Thomas J. Watson's 1943 prediction that there was a world market for "about five computers."  Noted surgeon Alfred Velpeau's 1839 dismissal of anesthesia, "Knife and pain are two words in surgery that must forever be associated."

The New York Times 1939 assertion that "The problem with television is that the people must sit and keep their eyes glued to a screen:  the average American family hasn't time for it." And author Cyril Bibby cautioning in 1947, the beginning of the baby boom that "the population will begin to get smaller and smaller."

Bad Predictions will also tell you about what life was supposed to be like in 2,000.  You'll hear about the personal helicopters, mail delivered by pneumatic tube, disposable clothing, and food from household waste that experts imagined we'd have by now.  There were those who predicted Utopia- no crime, no disease, a three hour work week and greater works of art.  Others predicted nuclear war, robot armies, the death of the family.  And then there were those whose predictions defy categorization:  "By the year 2000, there will be no C, X, or Q in our every-day alphabet."-Ladies Home Journal, December, 1900.

This book was featured as a cover story in the September, 2001 edition of The Futurist.  The article is available for digital download at Amazon.com.  

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